Études de Seqex
(en anglais)
Holistic Electromagnetic Therapy – The Seqex Approach (Adriano Gasperi, Anna Caruso, Alessandro Greco, and Claudio Poggi)
Effects of Cyclotronic Ion Resonance on Human Metabolic Processes (G. Vallesi; F. Raggi; S. Rufini, S. Gizzi; E. Ercolani; R. Rossi)
Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields prevents Chemotherapy Induced Myelotoxicity (Edoardo Rossi; Maria Teresa Corsetti; Samir Sukkar; Claudio Poggi)
ION cyclotron resonance: Geomagnetic strategy for living systems? (A R Liboff)
Ion Cyclotron Resonance: Results and Prospects for Psychiatry (Mario Betti; Marco Paolo Carlo Picchi; Marco Saettoni; and Alessandro Greco)
Treatment with Pulsed Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field (PELF-EMF) Exhibit Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Effect in Compression Spinal Cord Injury Model (Yona Goldshmit; Moshe Shalom; and Angela Ruban)