Italian Truffle

The diamond of the earth

The picking of the scorzone in Molise generally begins from May until the end of August, that’s why it is also called the „Summer Black Truffle“. The characteristic toughness of the scorzone means that this tuber can be kept longer than other species of truffle, such as the most prized white truffle (winter harvest).

Italian truffle

The diamond of the earth. The best black truffle from Molise, Italy

The scorzone truffle, commonly known with the term black summer truffle because of its very rough surface, is indicated in botany with the name Tuber Aestivum Vitt. It is a very well known specimen among truffle connoisseurs and has good organoleptic properties, even if not comparable to those of the exquisite black truffle.

The scorzone truffle has some characteristics, which make it sufficiently distinguishable from similar species: the peridium is, especially in the most mature specimens, of a marked black color with a particularly rough rind covered by small protruding pyramidal warts. The flesh takes on an ochre-yellow or hazelnut hue, according to the degree of maturity of the specimen: it is by cutting it that it can be easily recognized compared to the more valuable black winter truffle, since the gleba of the latter, oxidizing, tends to become dark. Its intense aromatic scent, however, makes it a good edible mushroom, of a much lower value than the winter type: its taste is in fact very pleasant, similar to that of porcini mushrooms. As for its size, it is usually about the size of a walnut, although it is not rare to find more substantial specimens, even weighing more than a kg.


The fine Black Truffle of Molise cost:

CHF. 400.- / Kg.

The scorzone truffle grows in association with broad-leaved trees, such as oak, downy oak and turkey oak. Although it prefers soils rich in fine and coarse granulations, it grows in a wide variety of terrains, from Umbria to Trentino Alto Adige, from Piedmont to Basilicata.

Its ripening period corresponds to the good season: from May to late autumn. The specimens harvested at the beginning of summer will tend to have a lighter pulp with a marbled appearance, index of a not yet complete maturation degree, while the fruits harvested in autumn will present a gleba turned brown. In order to search for truffles, in compliance with the current regulations, it is necessary to be accompanied by a trained dog and to have a spade, whose use must be limited to the point marked by the dog: it is always forbidden to pick up immature truffles or to search at night.

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